Anyone would think that by this point in time there would be little confusion as to the differences between marijuana and hemp, but unfortunately, confusion still reigns supreme! So many people have yet to understand that the CBD derived from hemp and THC from marijuana are totally different and although they share similarities in the fact that they are both from plants within the same species, they affect the body (and mind!) in entirely different ways. The good news is that a growing number of people are beginning to understand just how profitable high CBD hemp can be and because it’s different and has a rapidly growing base of consumers using CBD products, now is still the time to get in on the ground floor of investing in CBDs. Here’s a brief bit of what you should know.

The Very BIG Difference

Until quite recently, even lawmakers didn’t quite understand the major difference between CBD and THC. To those of us who know, it sounds rather redundant to keep saying this over and over and over again, but CBDs are not mind-altering substances. That would be THC with its psychoactive properties. CBD, on the other hand, is not mind-altering and has no psychoactive components. It is used in medicine for such things as pain, inflammation, insomnia and a huge number of other illnesses, and has been used therapeutically for thousands of years! This is why CBD oil from hemp plants is now legal in all 50 states and most other places around the world. Its medicinal value is finally being better understood.

The 2018 Farm Bill

Many commercial hemp farms such as Cope CBD, a Colorado hemp farm with more than 800 beautiful acres of hemp plants, are undeniably ecstatic that President Trump signed into law the Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018, which now makes it legal in all 50 states to grow commercial hemp. If you are considering investing in CBD or hemp, farmland might be a fantastic opportunity. Prime farmland with bulk high CBD hemp seeds from Cope CBD can bring you in on the ground floor of CBD investing at this time. It can’t be said enough that hemp growing is now legal thanks to the 2018 Farm Bill which President Donald Trump signed into law December 20, 2018. Think of the opportunities to grow (literally!) huge profits on a large hemp farm in any state you choose!

The Field Is Open

No pun intended, but the hemp field really is open now that it’s legal to grow in the United States and if you have money set aside to invest, this might be just where you are going to get the best odds in the current market. As with the beginning of the marijuana legalization boom, hemp will grow by leaps and bounds simply because there are few legal farms yet and the demand is high. This is the time to get in on the ground floor of CBD investments whether growing or making products from CBD distillates or isolates. The choice of how to invest is yours, but whether to invest? That’s a no brainer. The time is now!


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