HyperloopTT is bringing Hyperloop closer to reality with alliances with giant corporations.
For instance, Hitachi Rail and HyperloopTT are partnering to develop new signaling traffic management and control systems for Hyperloop capsules, a HyperloopTT press release reveals. The companies will try to adapt Hitachi’s ERTMS (European Rail Traffic Management System) for use on Hyperloop.
HyperloopTT has formed a partnership with Altran, part of the Capgemini Group, another press release indicates. Under the agreement over 100 Altran engineers will work at HyperloopTT’s test facility in Toulouse, France. Altran will take a small stake in HyperloopTT as part of the deal.
HyperloopTT works with Heathrow operator
HyperloopTT is also working with Ferrovial, the company that owns part of London’s Heathrow Airport, Endgadget reports. Under that deal, Ferrovial will analyze HyperloopTT projects; including the proposed Great Lakes Hyperloop in the United States, a press release claims.
The Great Lakes Hyperloop could connect Chicago, Cleveland, and Pittsburgh. Ironically, Pittsburgh is hundreds of miles from the nearest Great Lake.
Besides Heathrow, Ferrovial manages airports in Glasgow, Southampton, and Aberdeen. In addition, Ferrovial is a member of the MIT Energy Initiative (MITEI) at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Thus, Ferrovial has extensive experience building and operating transportation infrastructure.

It looks as if HyperloopTT is developing partnerships that could make Hyperloop a reality. Thus, HyperloopTT is far ahead of competitors such as Elon Musk’s Boring Company.
Musk Abandons Washington Hyperloop Tunnel Project

Interestingly, the Boring Company may have dropped plans to build a Hyperloop tunnel between Washington DC, and Baltimore. The Washington Post reports the Boring Company has removed the tunnel from of a list of projects on its website.
The Boring Company has also dropped plans for a Hyperloop subway project in Los Angeles, The Post reports. Instead, the Boring Company built a short-tunnel under the Las Vegas Convention.
However, the Las Vegas tunnel uses Tesla electric vehicles to move people around rather than Hyperloop, Las Vegas Inc. Reports. In contrast, Hyperloop uses magnetically levitated sleds moving through a tube with low pressure to achieve speeds of several hundred of miles an hour.
Therefore, Musk could have abandoned the technology many in the media brand Elon Musk’s Hyperloop. However, competitors such as Hyperloop One and HyperloopTT are pressing ahead with the commercialization of the technology.
Executives at of the world’s biggest companies, including Hitachi, think Hyperloop is for real. Therefore, I think it is only a matter of time before somebody builds a working Hyperloop system people can ride.
Originally published at https://marketmadhouse.com on April 20, 2021.