You can trade through Coin98 on Solana through the Coin98 Exchange. Uniswap for Ethereum, SushiSwap for Ethereum, PancakeSwap Old on the Binance Smart Chain, PancakeSwap New on the Binance Smart Chain, QuickSwap for Polygon, Pangolin for the Avalanche C-Chain, and MDEX for the HECO Chain.

Coin98 (C98) offers one-stop shopping for many decentralized finance processes.

They call Coin98 a one-stop platform that allows users to access the decentralized finance (DeFi) ecosystem. For example, users can access decentralized exchanges, lending protocols, on-chain governance, blockchain games, and cross chain-transfers on over 20 networks.

Coin98’s strategy is to build an ecosystem of DeFi resources available on many blockchains. Blockchains Coin98 users can access include Ethereum, the Binance Smart Chain, Solana, and Avalanche.

The Coin98 Network, Coin98 Labs, and Coin98 Ventures are part of the company. Coin98 Labs builds DeFi products, Coin98 Ventures finances DeFi projects through a decentralized finance ecosystem. Coin98 Ventures supports DeFi developers by investing in them.

The Coin98 Network provides access to Coin98 Insights, Coin98 Analytics, the Marin ATM, and Sapiens. The Marin ATM gives traders technical analysis and news. Sapiens provides education and connections with other users.

The Coin98 DeFi Ecosystem

Products the Coin98 (C98) ecosystem offers include the Coin98 Hub, the Coin98 wallet, the Coin98 Exchange, Coin98 Markets, a Coin98 Portfolio, the Coin98 Vault, a Token Issuer (a build-your own token solution), Wallet Approval (which revokes token allowances), Multi-send (which sends tokens to multiple addresses), Coin98 Staking, Solana Migration, and Solana Claim (which can revoke Serum pairs).

You can trade through Coin98 on Solana through the Coin98 Exchange. Uniswap for Ethereum, SushiSwap for Ethereum, PancakeSwap Old on the Binance Smart Chain, PancakeSwap New on the Binance Smart Chain, QuickSwap for Polygon, Pangolin for the Avalanche C-Chain, and MDEX for the HECO Chain.

Coin98 claims users can swap coins in minutes by connecting wallets, choosing tokens, and swaps. They claim Coin98’s Ecosystem had a Trading Volume of over 750 million, and over two million Total Users. They also claim Coin98 is available on over 50 blockchains in over 100 countries. Coin98 offers communities in over 12 official languages.

They claim Coin98 can swap coins by deep liquidity, best price, and optimized gas price.

What Value Does Coin98(C98) Offer?

Notably, CoinMarketCap estimates Coin98 (C98) was the most trending cryptocurrency on 31 October 2022.


However, CoinMarketCap ranked Coin98 as the 302nd cryptocurrency with a 31.28₵ Coin Price, a $67.817 million Market Capitalization, a $312.469 million Fully Diluted Market Cap, and a 24-Hour Market Volume of $18.858 million on 1 November 2022.


Coin98 had Centralized Exchange (CEX) Volume of $13.506 million and a $71,721.50 Decentralized Exchange (DEX) Volume on 1 November 2022. They base those numbers on a Circulating Supply of 216.944 million C98 and a Total Supply of one billion C98.


In contrast, CoinGecko gave Coin98 a 31.21₵ Coin Price, an $87.886 million Market Capitalization, a 24-Hour Market Volume of $8.875 million, and a Fully Diluted Valuation of $312.946 million on 1 November 2022. They base numbers on a 280.833 million Circulating Supply and a Total Supply of one billion. Coin98 was CoinGecko’s 277th ranked cryptocurrency on 1 November 2022.



I think Coin98 is an interesting cryptocurrency because it seems to offer many DeFi products. Coin98 could succeed because its builders understand DeFi is an ecosystem of many blockchains rather than a product. By offering many solutions Coin98 could make money in the blockchain.


Investors seeking a DeFi solution that could make money need to examine Coin98.





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You can trade through Coin98 on Solana through the Coin98 Exchange. Uniswap for Ethereum, SushiSwap for Ethereum, PancakeSwap Old on the Binance Smart Chain, PancakeSwap New on the Binance Smart Chain, QuickSwap for Polygon, Pangolin for the Avalanche C-Chain, and MDEX for the HECO Chain.



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