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Carolyne ChepkuruiOffline

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  • The basic rule in business is to control costs, increase revenues and maximize profit. Companies are increasingly looking toward technology to push greater efficiency and ultimately do more with the same number of

    Using Technology to Regulate Costs and Resources

    The basic rule in business is to control costs, increase revenues and maximize profit. Companies are increasingly looking toward technology to push greater efficiency and ultimately do more with the same number of or even fewer resources. Below are some...

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  • Video conferencing is a communication technology that allows users in different locations to hold face-to-face meetings without having to move to a single location. In business, video conference uses audio and

    The Effect Of Video Conferencing On Business Travel

    Video conferencing is a communication technology that allows users in different locations to hold face-to-face meetings without having to move to a single location. In business, video conference uses audio and video telecommunication to bring people at different sites...

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  • Communication, the flow of information between people, is increasingly becoming an important part of the workplace. Creating an atmosphere of open communication contributes to a more vibrant, creative workforce

    Creating an Open and Communicative Business Environment

    Communication, the flow of information between people, is increasingly becoming an important part of the workplace. Creating an atmosphere of open communication contributes to a more vibrant, creative workforce where all employees have a deep understanding of the goals...

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  • Information technology has immensely changed the commercial landscape and how business is conducted, especially in the era of the digital age. Every day, company employees come up with ideas, proposals or

    Get the Green Light for Your IT Project

    Information technology has immensely changed the commercial landscape and how business is conducted, especially in the era of the digital age. Every day, company employees come up with ideas, proposals or recommendations that increase business opportunities for companies and...

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  • Cloud computing is computing based on the Internet. It involves using a network of remote servers hosted on the Internet to store, manage, and process data, instead of using a local server or a personal

    Using the Cloud to Maximize on Business Travel

    Cloud computing is computing based on the Internet. It involves using a network of remote servers hosted on the Internet to store, manage, and process data, instead of using a local server or a personal computer. Business travel on the...

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