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Carolyne ChepkuruiOffline

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  • ‘When I write an advertisement, I do not want you to tell me that you find it creative. I want you to find it so interesting that you want to buy the product’ David Ogilvy, an advertising executive in the 60’

    Elements of an Effective and Memorable Advert

    ‘When I write an advertisement, I do not want you to tell me that you find it creative. I want you to find it so interesting that you want to buy the product’ David Ogilvy, an advertising executive in...

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  • Have you ever purchased an item without needing it? Ever wonder why companies persuade through advertisement, other than let the quality products do the talking? What is the psychology behind making you buy the

    The science of persuasion

    Have you ever purchased an item without needing it? Ever wonder why companies persuade through advertisement, other than let the quality products do the talking? What is the psychology behind making you buy the product? This article highlights the psychology...

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  • Entering a new market once an opportunity is seen is a great chance to have skyrocketing profits if the entry is done right. A mixture of the right product and the right market makes a company successful. There

    Entering New Markets: Do’s and Don’ts

    Entering a new market once an opportunity is seen is a great chance to have skyrocketing profits if the entry is done right. A mixture of the right product and the right market makes a company successful. There are...

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Wangari Kamau



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