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  • Profile picture of herrryjneds


    5 years, 5 months ago

    Doctors Are Good Listeners
    Both women doctors and male doctors have to listen to people at work every day. They develop some of the best listening skills in the world. If you have something that you want to talk about, you should feel safe talking with them. Doctors also work with private information so they know how to keep something private.
    At the same time, a doctor will love to talk about their day. Often times they don’t get the same amount of time to vent with coworkers that the rest of us do. Make sure to give them time to talk too. Plus the stories that you will learn when dating a doctor are amazing.
    Doctors Know How To Party
    Most doctors spent their school time working hard. They spend so much time in school that they aren’t allowed to work while going through school. That means that they still have a lot of party left in them. Many people love this fact about doctors.
    A stressful job also contributes to the amount of partying that doctors do. Let them have their time partying so that they can relax and be fully with you when they are present.
    Doctors Have Unique Smell
    Many doctors take on the smell of where they work. They spend a lot of time at work and the smell gets to him. Most doctors use hand sanitizer, special soap, and special odorless deodorant at work. This allows them to absorb the smell of the hospital.
    It is up to you whether or not that smell is good. Just don’t tell him he smells bad!





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