Zone 3 - Ad 1 Banner Spacee - Empresa-Journal

Zone 3 – Ad 1 Banner Spacee



Zone 3 is located in the lower part of the homepage. The section focuses on Marketing, Technology and Healthy Lifestyle, so if your ads are related to those topics, you can get visits and pay less!

The Zone 3 – Ad 1 Banner space can be purchased for 7, 15 and 30 days.

Banner size can be in sizes between 610×60 and 610×120.

All ad spaces are in TENANCY advertising mode.

* Upon purchase, you will be contacted through email within 24 hours about the size currently in use in this zone, so you can prepare your banner and we will send you a list of questions, such as the desired date when the campaign should start and any questions we might have.

Additional information

Advertising Period

7 days, 15 days, 30 days


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SKU: Z3-AD1 Category:



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