Windows 10, the latest brainchild of tech giant Microsoft is slightly different from its predecessors when it comes to updates. Earlier versions of operating systems provided by Microsoft such as Windows 8.1 came with an option that Windows 10 lacks. This option allowed users to defer updates until when they had enough time to download and install them or to have them downloaded automatically and then install them at a time they wished. Windows 10 does not come with this option.

The tech company has made it compulsory for Windows 10 users to update their computer. The new operating system is set to automatically receive new updates by default. Users relying Windows 10 Pro have an option to delay the updates they receive, but those using Windows 10 Home totally lack this option. Therefore, a computer running on windows 10 will automatically check for updates and install any updates it finds. Microsoft will push updates to computers using Windows 10, which will be automatically downloaded. The idea is to provide users with the latest information regarding the operating system and secure with latest security patches installed.

Fortunately, there are some ways around this. Users can take some control over the operating system and have updates installed on their schedule and convenience. Updates to Windows 10 no longer have to be a bothersome and meddlesome experience. Users can take control of updates in Windows 10 and avoid any inconveniences like unexpected reboots or even finding themselves in a situation where they are not aware that the update is downloading or installing. And that the download or installation is what could be interfering with the performance of the computer.

Below are some of the ways users can try to take control over updates while using Windows 10.

1. The “Metered” Approach

One thing about Windows 10 is that it can automatically set some types of connections as metered. This basically means that some connections mostly have data limitations and restrictions in place. Windows therefore sets these as “metered” to prevent downloading a lot of data that could prove costly. The trick id that it is possible for a user to set any connection type as being metered.

Here is how to go about it:

  1. Launch the Windows 10 Settings application (Windows key + I).
  2. Select and click on Network & Internet.
  3. Click Advanced options. It appears just below the list of Wi-Fi networks.
  4. Toggle the Set as metered connection switch to On.

It is imperative to note that this option will only affect the network you are currently connected to (the one you have set as ‘metered), and that the operating system will remember the setting.

To prevent automatic downloading of updates on a specific connection, you can use this approach. When you set a connection as “metered,” Windows 10 will be prevented from automatically downloading updates on it. So for instance, if you do not want Windows 10 to automatically download updates on your home network connection, you can set it as a metered connection. The operating system will then automatically download updates when you connect your computer to an unmetered network, or when you set the network it is connected to as unmetered again.

Alternatively, users can set periods of time during which the connection alternates between being metered and being unmetered. For instance, if you enjoy unlimited downloads on your connection between 3 a.m and 6 a.m, you can mark the connection as unmetered at that period of time to download updates and mark it as metered after 6 a.m.

Using this metered approach, you can gain some control over the updates on your computer and avoid inconveniences while using it or even undesirable costs on updates.

2. Using Microsoft’s Tool

Occasionally, a very specific update on Windows 10 can be shown to be interfering with the computer. It is an extremely handy feature to be able to prevent Windows 10 from installing specific updates where required.

Here is how:

  1. Download the “Show or hide updates” tool from Microsoft.
  2. When downloaded, run the ‘Show or hide updates’ tool. An automatic search for available updates will be done by the tool
    It will then allow them to be hidden. This basically prevents Windows Update from downloading updates for that package in the future.
  3. If required, run the tool again and unhide the previously hidden updates to ensure that they are visible.

Using this tool, you can be able to see which updates are interfering with your computer’s performance and prevent the operating system from automatically installing them.

3. Set The Time For Rebooting

One bothersome consequence that many users face when it comes to automatic updates is the idea of automatic rebooting. Earlier versions of Windows operating systems always wanted to reboot as soon as possible. However, Windows 10 usually schedules the reboots for times when the user is not using the computer. For instance, the operating system might try to schedule a reboot at 5 a.m. after installing updates. The good thing is that you can however configure Windows Update to reboot on a schedule you choose instead.

To configure your rebooting schedule:

  1. Open the Settings app.
  2. Select Update & security.
  3. Select “Advanced options”. It is at the bottom of the Windows Update pane.
  4. Select “Notify to schedule restart” instead of “Automatic (recommended).” You can set the time that will be convenient to you.

This approach can help avoid the automatically rebooting of a computer at times when the user is inconvenienced.

Using these ways, users can successfully gain control over the updates by Windows 10 and avoid any inconveniences caused by the same.


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