Oracle (NYSE: ORCL), the tech giant, recently announced that it bought DNS provider Dyn in a move which the company says will help it expand its IaaS (Infrastructure-as-a-service) and PaaS (platform-as-a-service) offerings. Oracle said that this acquisition was a regular expansion of the existing cloud platform, and will help clients optimize their infrastructure costs, website revenue, manage risks, and maximize applications.


Oracle’s cloud customers have special access to performance information which will help them with optimizing infrastructure costs, website driven revenue, maximize applications, and managing risks. Dyn is more than happy to become a part of Oracle’s team and provide greater value to their customers through the cloud computing platform of Oracle.

Dyn may sound a little familiar to you. The DNS provider had a massive distributed attack for denial of service only last month which shut down a number of websites including some popular ones like Netflix and Twitter. Presently, this small New Hampshire company is the one responsible for providing most DNS services in the US.

Enterprise Solutions

Beyond their role of a DNS provider, Dyn even serves more than three-thousand-five-hundred enterprise relevant services/products clients, providing them the ability to control, monitor, and optimize cloud services and Internet applications to deliver quicker access, reduce load times, and increase end-user satisfaction. Adding to their capabilities will also give Oracle a chance to offer customers a single solution for PaaS and IaaS solutions.

Oracle is already offering enterprise-class IaaS & PaaS to customers running and building Internet applications or cloud services. Dyn’s immensely scalable and global DNS is a very important component and an extension of their cloud computing platform.

The company hasn’t revealed the cost of this acquisition even though reports in media are quoting the price tag being somewhere around $600 million.


For Oracle, this acquisition achieves many goals for all of its cloud service initiatives. Among them is the need for meeting service expectations from high-end users for apps tailored to their requirements. Dyn is also going to help Oracle build responsive applications for IoT services.

These applications must be run on infrastructure services which are integrated and capable of scaling on global levels. Oracle says that by helping it build an integrated cloud computing platform, this acquisition will help address all of these challenges.

As part of the Dyn network, Oracle is capturing more than ten years of Internet traffic which the company said was going to help them give some critical visibility in the public’s eye and cloud internet resources. Dyn even collects two-hundred and forty billion data points with regard to the Internet traffic on a daily basis which is going to help Oracle in creating a global map showing the present state of the Internet.

Dyn provides Oracle with technology that is going to help route Internet traffic in real time which will help optimize network availability, performance, and security for all of their enterprise clients. Overall, it was smart move by Oracle.


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