“You need this level of speed and precision with plasmas because they have such complex dynamics that evolve at very high speeds,” Hansen, a senior research scientist, said of the GPU. “If you cannot keep up with them, or if you mispredict how plasmas will react, they have a nasty habit of going in the totally wrong direction very quickly.”

A video game component could make hot fusion a reality. A graphics processing unit (GPU), or graphics card, is running an experimental fusion reactor at the University of Washington (UW).

Hence the secret to fusion and generating enormous amounts of clean energy could sit on a shelf at Best Buy (BBY). The GPU directs plasma and controls magnetic fields, a press release claims.

“The GPU gives us access to a huge amount of computing power,” Kyle Morgan said. “This level of performance was driven by the computer gaming industry and, more recently, machine learning, but this graphics card provides a really great platform for controlling plasmas as well.”

Morgan, a UW research scientist, is the lead author of a Review of Scientific Instruments paper describing the process.

Graphics card could power revolutionary fusion process

The prototype reactor heats plasma to one million degrees Celsius (1.8 million degrees Fahrenheit) to test a new fusion process. However, the press release admits the reactor cannot generate the temperatures of 150 million degrees Celsius necessary to achieve fusion.

The UW reactor could be revolutionary because it creates magnetic fields entirely within the plasma. The hope is the UW process could create smaller and cheaper fusion reactors. Existing fusion reactors require enormous amounts of expensive shielding to contain the super hot plasma.

“By adding magnetic fields to plasmas, you can move and control them without having to ‘touch’ the plasma,” co-author Chris Hansen claims. Hansen’s team hopes to create longer-lasting plasma that could power a fusion reaction.

NVIDIA GPU could help create fusion

The UW researchers needed a fast processor to keep up with plasma reactions that last only a few thousandths of a second. Consequently, they built their control system with a NVIDIA (NVDA) Tesla GPU. NVIDIA designed that GPU for machine-learning applications.

“You need this level of speed and precision with plasmas because they have such complex dynamics that evolve at very high speeds,” Hansen, a senior research scientist, said of the GPU. “If you cannot keep up with them, or if you mispredict how plasmas will react, they have a nasty habit of going in the totally wrong direction very quickly.”

The scientists could use the NVIDIA GPU to fine-tune plasmas and give them a better view of plasma behavior, a press release speculates. Hence, scientists could control plasma and create fusion reactions to generate power.

“The biggest difference is for the future,” Hansen said. “This new system lets us try newer, more advanced algorithms that could enable significantly better control, which can open a world of new applications for plasma and fusion technology.”

However, the UW research will remain theoretical until somebody tries it in a fusion reactor capable of generating temperatures of 150 million degrees Centigrade. Hopefully, researchers at fusion companies such as Commonwealth Fusion and TAE Technologies will test UW’s methods in their reactors.

Is NIVIDA the Perfect Fusion Stock?

Thus, NVIDIA (NASDAQ: NVDA) could make money from fusion power and research. NVIDIA is already an incredibly lucrative company. Venture Beat estimates NVIDIA’s quarterly revenues grew by 84% between 2 May 2020 and 2 May 2021. Venture Beat estimates NVIDIA’s quarterly gaming revenues at $2.76 billion.

Stockrow estimates NVIDIA’s quarterly revenues at $5.661 billion on 30 April 2021. Those revenues grew from $3.08 billion on 30 April 2020. Stockorw estimates NVIDIA’s revenue growth rate at 83.8% in the quarter ending on 30 April 2021.

NVIDA makes enormous amounts of money from its GPUSs. For instance, NVIDIA reported a quarterly gross profit of $3.629 billion and a quarterly operating income of $1.956 billion on 30 April 2021.

NVIDIA Generates Enormous Amounts of Cash

NVIDIA also generates enormous amounts of cash it reported a quarterly operating income of $1.874 billion and an ending cash flow of $978 million on 30 April 2021.

Consequently, NVIDIA has enormous value. It had $12.8 billion in cash and short-term investments and $30.796 billion total assets on 30 April 2021. In contrast, NVIDIA had total debts of $7.738 billion on that day. Those debts grew from $2.082 billion on 31 January 2020.

NVIDIA (NVDA) even pays a dividend. Its shares paid a 16₵ quarterly dividend on 9 June 2021. Overall, NVIDIA offered a last twelve months (LTM) dividend of 64₵ and a 0.33% dividend yield on 26 July 2021.

Is NVIDIA the best fusion stock?

In the final analysis, I think Mr. Market priced NVIDIA fairly at $192.94 a share on 26 July 2021. If you are looking for a fusion stock, I think NVIDIA is the best choice.


NVIDIA builds a product fusion researchers and creators need, GPUs, and makes money from that product. Moreover, NVIDIA is a growing company that makes enormous amounts of money without fusion.


If you want to make money from fusion check out NVIDIA. This company could make money if fusion never works, and more money if fusion works.

Originally published at https://marketmadhouse.com on July 26, 2021.



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  “The biggest difference is for the future,” Hansen said. “This new system lets us try newer, more advanced algorithms that could enable significantly better control, which can open a world of new applications for plasma and fusion technology.”



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