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Carolyne ChepkuruiOffline

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  • The recent management shuffle at one of the pioneer companies in the development of location apps is not to be ignored around corporate circles. The now former CEO of Foursquare, Dennis Crowley, who was also the

    Foursquare Executive Shake Up

    The recent management shuffle at one of the pioneer companies in the development of location apps is not to be ignored around corporate circles. The now former CEO of Foursquare, Dennis Crowley, who was also the company’s co-founder, recently...

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  • Facebook, GroupMe, Color Labs, Zoosk and Venmo are among the companies that are famed for using stand up desks. Startups are following suit for a couple of reasons as well. Several researchers state that

    Standing Desks For Start Ups

    Facebook, GroupMe, Color Labs, Zoosk and Venmo are among the companies that are famed for using stand up desks. Startups are following suit for a couple of reasons as well. Several researchers state that ‘sitting is the new smoking’,...

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  • One of the main challenges that budding entrepreneurs and small startups face is the lack of the startup capital to finance the business. This is where alternatives such as angel investors come in. Angel investors

    Pitching To Angel Investors

    One of the main challenges that budding entrepreneurs and small startups face is the lack of the startup capital to finance the business. This is where alternatives such as angel investors come in. Angel investors are basically successful entrepreneurs...

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  • Cloud computing involves the practice of using a network of remote servers hosted on the Internet to store, manage, and process data, rather than a local server or a personal computer. The technology offers a

    Cloud Services: More Reliable Than On-Premises?

    Cloud computing involves the practice of using a network of remote servers hosted on the Internet to store, manage, and process data, rather than a local server or a personal computer. The technology offers a number of advantages over...

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  • Search giant Google may soon be launching a stripped-down version of the original wearable headset device, Google Glass. This is after the United States Patent and Trademark Office granted a new patent to Google

    Google Glass Specs May Become a Monocle

    Search giant Google may soon be launching a stripped-down version of the original wearable headset device, Google Glass. This is after the United States Patent and Trademark Office granted a new patent to Google towards the end of November...

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