+ Can Consol Bonds and Stablecoins help America avoid the X-Date? Daniel Jennings, May 26, 2023May 26, 2023, Insight for Entrepreneurs, Investment Guide, Opinions, Politics, authorized by law, Biden could invoke Section Four of the 14th Amendment to the US Constitution. Section Four says: “The validity of the public debt of the United States, Can Consol Bonds and Stablecoins help America avoid the Debt Ceiling?, Can Synthetic Assets save us from the Debt Ceiling?, consol bonds, Could Synthetic Assets turn the Debt Default into an Economic Boom?, How To Prevent a Debt Default, stablecoins, the Treasury could mint a $1 trillion platinum coin or coins. I will not go into this option here because I have explored this idea elsewhere. Second, Theoretically, there are three ways the federal government could issue debt and get around the debt ceiling. First, X-Date, 0 A global economic catastrophe could begin if America reaches the X-Date without raising the debt ceiling. For example, 1.5...