Google Photos App gets 'Motion Stills' Stabilization Feature - Empresa-Journal

Earlier in the year, Google had released Motion Stills, an app on iOS which would be able to stabilize the shaky Live Photos and allowed users to share beyond the pool of devices from Apple. Now, Google is also going to feature these functionalities of Motion Stills on version 2.0 of the Photos app from Google on iOS.

New App

Adopting Motion Stills’ video stabilization and rendering technology, Google Photos can behave like a virtual camera operator which will be able to freeze Live Photos backgrounds into still images or make sweeping cinematic pans. Any videos which are taken while running on uneven fields or from ships on rough seas will become a whole lot smoother once they have been processed.

Google has explained how the whole video stabilization technology is able to yield still backgrounds and the cinematic pans which remove shakiness. They say that their algorithm makes use of linear programming in order to compute virtual camera paths which are optimized for recasting videos or bursts like they were being filmed with the help of stabilization equipment.

New Features

Just like Stills, Google Photos 2.0 is also going to let you create looping videos, which can go through the loop optimization of Google which can identify ideal starting and ending points and eliminates blurry frames. Google even says that their loop optimization will be able to fix any pocket shots.

After saving video loops, users will be able to choose to export them as animated GIF’s or as videos which they can share with everyone who is a part of their network, even people who are not using Apple devices, with the help of social media and messages.

Apart from this, the update will include the ability of sorting photos by recently added or chronologically in albums. Google says this functionality is also going to be available for the web version of Google Photos and will also be coming to their own Android platform soon.

The new Google Photos will also let users choose new thumbnails for People. It also comes with certain performance tweaks and improvements which make content sharing easier to sites like YouTube.


Google Photos is not the only app which got its last update on the 8th of September. Motion Stills even received some love with an update to its iOS app. While the biggest features are being cannibalized by Photos, Motion Stills has a few neat tricks which are native to it, at least for now.

The new version of Motion Stills is supposed to be twice as quick. Google addressed the graphical glitches of the app, which seem to be quite a few since the app only has a 2.5-star rating right now. But, the biggest addition with version 1.2 has got to be the ability to let users superimpose text over clips which they have made using Live Photos.

If you want to learn more about the changes in the new app then be sure to update to the latest version right away.


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