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Carolyne ChepkuruiOffline

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  • Traveling for business can be a pleasure. Entrepreneurs and business persons gather good ideas which will help in the improvement of their ventures. The following is a list of business related applications that

    Must have apps for business travelers

    Traveling for business can be a pleasure. Entrepreneurs and business persons gather good ideas which will help in the improvement of their ventures. The following is a list of business related applications that can help in making the traveler’s...

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  • Yahoo is among the most iconic companies to come out of the internet’s first generation which started off in the mid-90s when the Internet was picking up. Its founders came up with it as a way of guiding users t

    Is Yahoo Management Fighting a Loosing Battle?

    Yahoo is among the most iconic companies to come out of the internet’s first generation which started off in the mid-90s when the Internet was picking up. Its founders came up with it as a way of guiding users...

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  • Employee onboarding has become an essential process in corporate cultures. It is the process whereby new employees are integrated and acclimated into the company. The process aims at making new employees feel

    Strategize Employee Onboarding

    Employee onboarding has become an essential process in corporate cultures. It is the process whereby new employees are integrated and acclimated into the company. The process aims at making new employees feel welcomed and comfortable at the company, and...

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  • Whenever a company decides to exit a market, there are several critical steps that should not be missed out. Exiting is more than just selling the business; it involves developing and implementing a

    Steps in Developing an Exit Strategy

    Whenever a company decides to exit a market, there are several critical steps that should not be missed out. Exiting is more than just selling the business; it involves developing and implementing a strategy. Is it necessary to have a...

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  • 21st Century companies are making significant investments in Information Technology to align business strategies, enable innovative functional operations and provide extended enterprise networks. These companies

    Using innovation as a competitive advantage

    21st Century companies are making significant investments in Information Technology to align business strategies, enable innovative functional operations and provide extended enterprise networks. These companies have adopted Information Technology to foster changes in managing customer relationships, manufacturing, procurement, the...

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