Small businesses have a lot in their plates, employees have to wear several hats to ensure that everything runs smoothly. Over the years, outsourcing of different functions has become more than an option as the focus is now, more than ever aimed at focusing on the core business and cutting costs. Outsourcing of IT function simply means contracting a managed IT service provider to handle IT services and functions that was previously done in-house.

When it comes to IT, some entrepreneurs are unsure of whether to outsource the function because of its sensitive nature. Let us look at the benefits of outsourcing the IT function.   Basically IT functions are split into five broad areas, namely; planning, network, data, security and support. To have an in depth view of the benefits of outsourcing, we shall look at each function and the importance of outsourcing it


A great percentage of small enterprises outsource their data center functions for several reasons such as accessing management expertise. Since these management companies core business is the client’s data, they are focused 24/7 to ensure an outstanding and efficient service delivery on data functions. Accelerating data center projects is another upside to outsourcing this function. Building an efficient internal data center requires a lot of work. Whereas when outsources, issues such as up time and availability can be achieved within a very short period of time.

In addition, there is an overall improvement on customer focus. Responsiveness is taken care of. Having a team of experts who are focused on ensuring that data center operations are being dealt with accurately and timely has a great impact on the business, as opposed to having an in house team that is split in between several tasks that might cause poor service delivery.

There is also better utilization of internal resources. Having an in house IT team manage a data center means that there has to be day to day maintenance chores. This implies that a great deal of time and resources will be invested to ensure everything runs smoothly. Outsourcing maintenance to experts frees up an internal IT department to focus on more core deliverables.

Finally, it is way cheaper to outsource the function than investing in heavy infrastructure and having it serviced daily.

Outsourcing the Network Function

A great network supports effective communication and collaboration. Outsourcing this function means that the business is always up to date with advanced communication tools. For instance, TDWS Enterprise Mail Solutions package takes care of your mailing and collaboration requirements. It offers 100% guaranteed up-time and spam protection, ensuring access of emails and collaboration on any device. Within the package comes an anti-spam and anti-virus protection and an ad free email service. The TDWS Chat Server, offers an instant reply platform that is greatly secure since the server is encrypted. Having everyone connected and able to have instant communication that is secure increases the pace at which business runs, as opposed to getting buried in emails. Notably, it would take a lot of time and resources for a company to build such infrastructure. Companies that use instant messaging services that are not tailor made for them are vulnerable to data leakage.


Businesses are under threat from viruses and cyber-criminals. With the threat of data leaks of highly confidential data, having a secure IT infrastructure is extremely important. With the ability to access information from any device, it is becoming complex for a company to single handedly protect its infrastructure. Outsourcing this function to a team of experts as opposed to a handful of in-house that has limited capabilities ensures that the IT infrastructure is highly secure.


For maximum use of IT resources, employees need to be supported. Whenever there is a new software or network facility, employees need to be trained and facilitated on how to make use of the resources. Outsourcing this function means that the service providers are on call to support users through self-help service or help desk.

It is important to get a service provider that walks the talk. TDWS offers excellent packages that ensure the smooth running of your business. With a round the clock expert support, dedicated to solving client issues, globally available team of in house technical experts, one is guaranteed exceptional services. With a transparent SLA (Service Legal Agreement) and a 30 Days Money Guarantee, you are entitled to reimbursement in case the promised delivery is not met (which rarely happens). TD Web services have great packages with flexible contracts to suit your needs, relieving you from the hassle of maintaining an IT infrastructure.

With a range of services from TDWS Collaboration Solutions, dedicated servers, business, enterprise hosting and cloud services, rest assured that outsourcing the IT functions will be of great advantage.

Embrace outsourcing IT functions to keep up with technology, reduce operating costs, focus more on your core business, gain access to professionals who are trained to deal with IT issues as you free up internal resources and finally.

The fear of risks faced while outsourcing IT functions cannot be ignored. Some critics dispute outsourcing as they perceive that they will lose control in terms of who accesses highly confidential company data. However, stringent security measures are taken by managed IT service providers to ensure safe handling of data.


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