In the competitive universe of social media marketing, committing a mistake can be irreversible and could cost you your brand. Remember that every time you tweet a message to your followers, you have to be careful to prevent any incident that could tarnish your brand value. We have compiled a list of top blunders to avoid while reaching out to your followers on Twitter.

Being Offensive to Your followers

While advertising, you may choose to go with a theme that could be considered offensive to a particular culture or region around the world. Even though later, you choose to delete your tweet as part of a defensive approach, the Internet is like a forest fire and once it’s posted, it may never vanish due to the ease of taking screenshots and sharing media on social networks.

  • Always research beforehand; make sure the content that you post is stripped off anything remotely related to any controversy
  • Positive brand advertising can gain you followers and build brain equity

Ignoring Customer Feedback

If you are keen on building a digitally empowered brand, then you must take your customer’s feedback seriously. Especially on social media platforms like Twitter, where any experience of dissatisfaction posted by a customer can dent your reputation.

  • Attempt to solve customer’s issues by re-tweeting them the solution
  • Offer hasty compensation or a resolution in the form of polite and formal text

Generally, when new customers witness a company respond to their issues, they will be extremely satisfied to remain in contract with your brand for a long time.

Purchasing Your Followers

It’s better to have 100 followers that are interested in your brand rather than having 10,000 followers who don’t even know you brands exists.

  • Number of followers don’t always mean a quality brand
  • Engage on social media to build your brand to potential followers

When it comes to ramping up your Twitter fan base, there’s no question of ‘make’ versus ‘buy’; it’s got to be the former.

Not using Advanced Analytics for effective Campaigning

Did you know –a report found that more than 40% of Twitter users were prone to redeeming a promotional coupon showcased on Twitter Ads. Segmented marketing can target the appropriate audience for your product as opposed to the general public.

Statistical speaking, for an effective marketing strategy to develop your brand further, you need to invest time in understanding all the technologies you can leverage.

Automating Everything

While it’s a good idea to spend time automating tweets to regulate a series of posts at any given time, over automating can create a desolate atmosphere to your Twitter profile. It’s crucial to interact with your followers personally and write a custom message from time to time. Automated direct messages can be off-putting as well when a new follower decides to follow your brand and is greeted by a wall of text.

Not Using Appropriate Hashtags

Hashtags are profitable in targeting your business to the appropriate audience; each hashtag opens up a world of followers that might notice your brand. Small businesses tend to ignore hashtags when tweeting, which strikes against the reach and appeal of the content.


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