There are very few things nobler than working to help others. The call to aid your fellows in the world is one that you should absolutely heed and will often result in memories that will last you a lifetime.
By taking the time to volunteer and help others, you will help to lay the groundwork that will make the world a better place. As JFK once said “a rising tide lifts all boats” so by taking the time to help others, you are sure to help raise the USA to even higher heights. This article aims to cover a range of ways that you could help others.
Help to Feed the Hungry
Hunger is one of the most important issues in the US, with 1 in 9 people facing the possibility of going hungry. Fortunately, organizations like Feeding America exist to help fight the rise of hunger in the US.
You can join the effort to feed the 42 million people facing hunger in the US by volunteering to help Feeding America or another similar organization. You can help to support their efforts by volunteering your time, giving small donations, making car donations, or even working to raise funds to help finance the fight against one of the most prevalent issues in America today.
Help to Home the Homeless
Much like hunger, homelessness is a terrible thing that affects many of the American populace right now, but you can help.
By supporting charitable foundations such as The National Alliance to End Homelessness, you can help to fight against the injustice of your fellow American’s being forced to live on the streets by circumstances that they simply could not hope to fight against. By volunteering and giving to such charities, you help support those dedicated and devoted to making a change and providing help to those in need.
Help to Conserve the Natural World
The natural world is a beautiful and important thing, and, unfortunately, it is so often threatened by the effects of human expansion in our world. Habitats are destroyed to make room for housing and farms, and plastic and waste flood ecosystems and upend the natural order.
There are so many ways that the influence of human civilization has devastated the natural world, which is why the work to preserve it is so incredibly important. There are many ways that you can aid in the protection and conservation of the natural world, some of which include:
State & National Parks
.State and national parks are some of the most beautiful natural areas left in the built-up areas of the US, and these areas need a lot of maintenance to protect them from the presence of human civilization so nearby.
Public funding only goes so far, which is why it is so helpful when people volunteer to help maintain and support the operation of these areas of natural beauty.
Conservation Education
One of the single most important things that will help turn the tide of human influence on the natural world and help conservation efforts to protect the earth’s wild places is proper education.
Without proper education and understanding of why and how the world’s wild places need to be protected, there can be no hope for the protection of the natural world. Fortunately, there are projects such as the Project WILD program, which facilitates and assists in such education so that conservation and protection of the natural world could become a possible ideal.
Texas Nature Trackers
Finally, there are programs such as the Wildlife Diversity Program, which allows projects such as the Texas Nature Trackers, or TNT, to take place.
This project revolves around volunteer tracking of the status of wild populations of plants and animals throughout Texas and aids in the conservation and monitoring of such species in an affordable and sustainable manner. This project would not be possible without the assistance of volunteers, which means that you and people like you can help to protect and study wildlife in Texas and other areas through similar programs.
These are the barest handful of possible ways to volunteer to help protect the world around you, so if you are interested in conserving the natural world, then get looking for opportunities near you.
Help to Support Education
Knowledge is a power like no other, so it is so beneficial to others when you help put that power in their hands. There are a handful of ways that you can help to maintain the free access of information and knowledge to the people around you, including:
Your Local Public Library
By volunteering at a local library, you can help to ensure that the people in your community have constant, unfettered access to a range of books with which they could better themselves and improve the conditions of their lives.
Elon Musk himself said that he taught himself physics by reading, and many other successful people will attest to the power of reading.
Adult Education

Many people seek to better themselves, even as they grow older, and you can volunteer to help provide these people with the best chance possible.
For example, the Minnesota Literacy Council needs volunteers to work with adults looking to learn English as a second language to give themselves their best possible chance for a successful life in the US.
Those are just a couple of ways that you can help others gain access to that most powerful of things, knowledge. There are many other ways available to you; all you have to do is start looking.