Deciding on a career can be a daunting and complicated task, especially when such a variety of interesting options are available to you. If you are having trouble deciding on how you would most enjoy spending the working hours of your life, then this article aims to help highlight some of the more interesting options that you might not have considered.
School Counselor
Among the many school based positions, a school counselor is probably one of the least discussed. Yet, this tragically overlooked position actually has the potential to be incredibly interesting and rewarding.
As a school counselor, you will work with troubled youths and help them to constructively and effectively work through what is bothering them, essentially giving them their best chance to recover and excel in their work. If saving young lives sounds like an engaging and fulfilling career to you, then you will want to look into how to become a school counselor so that you can dedicate yourself to beginning right away.
Much like school counselors, teachers are integral parts of their students lives and do a lot to shape their relationships with the variety of subjects that will, invariably, determine the path of their lives.

Generally, if you want to work as a teacher, you should know one particular subject inside and out and have a real passion for instilling a love for that subject in your pupils. Anything from art to physics will work, so long as you have a passion for the subject and a willingness to explain its workings in detail.
Driving Instructor
An alternative form of teaching that doesn’t tend to get the same kind of consideration is driving instruction.
If you love driving and love the idea of passing on the ability to drive, then you might want to work as a driving instructor. Driving is a key skill, especially when you need to be able to commute to work, which makes the work driving instructors do that much more important.
Data Analyst
If you have a knack for numbers and a real love for methodically sorting through piles of information, then you should consider working as a data analyst.

By collecting, processing, and analyzing large amounts of data, data analysts use this information to answer questions or solve problems in a way that is beneficial to their employer. Data analysts can be found in many fields but are often instrumental in business and science-based professions.
Alternatively, if you have a love for numbers and data but prefer to meet your problems head-on, you might want to consider working as a programmer or developer.

By learning the intricacies of computer coding, you can turn these skills to your advantage and develop sophisticated software and programs that can do almost anything.

Finally, if you love gardening and the scientific process, then you might really enjoy a career as a horticulturist.
These fascinating professionals use scientific knowledge and principles to discover useful information about plants, which they can then provide to a range of professional plant growers such as farmers. These people can use the information provided by horticulturalists to produce better fruit, vegetables, flowers, or whatever else they wish to grow.