A new poll shows over 50% of Americans hate both Biden and Trump. Hence, over half of Americans say they hate the probable 2024 Republican and Democratic Republican and Democratic presidential candidates.
Around 56% of respondents told The Liberal Patriot/YouGov poll they hate former President Donald J. Trump Sr. (R-Florida). Conversely, 51% of respondents said they hate President Joe Biden Jr. (D-Delaware).
Frighteningly, 37% of Americans say they “intensely hate Trump” and 29% of respondents admit they intensely hate Biden. Conversely, only 15% of respondents say they intensely love Trump and 11% of voters claim they intensely love Biden.
More Americans hate than love both Biden and Trump
In comparison, 40% of respondents say they love Trump and 44% of those polled say they love Biden. Thus Liberal Patriot/YouGov estimates:
“For example, nearly one quarter of Democrats intensely love Biden and more than three in 10 Republicans intensely love Trump (rating each a 1 on the scale, respectively). In comparison, seven in 10 Democrats intensely hate Trump and roughly six in 10 Republicans intensely hate Biden (rating each a 10 on the scale, respectively).”*

I think this poll shows there is no faith in America’s leadership. Worse, it shows intense hatred and passion that could lead to violence. I think this poll will add substance to the arguments a “Second American Civil War” is coming.
Additionally, it shows that the hatred that inspired the 2020 George Floyd Riots and the 6 January 2021 US Capitol Riot is still flourishing in America. I think this poll shows a deep frustration with American institutions and leaders.
America has no Faith in institutions
Americans’ faith in institutions is falling dramatically, a new Gallup poll shows. For example, Americans’ faith in the US Supreme Court fell from 36% in June and July 2021 to 27% in June 2023.*
Similarly, faith in the presidency fell from 38% in June and July 2021 to 26% in June 2023. Meanwhile, faith in Congress fell from 12% in June and July 2021 to 8% in June 2023. Thus 92% of Americans have confidence in Congress.

The only institutions with support over 60% were small business and the US military. However, faith in those institutions is collapsing. For example, faith in small business fell from 70% in June and July 2021 to 65% in June 2023. Dramatically, faith in the military fell from 69% in June and July 2021 to 60% in June 2023.
Faith in Law Enforcement Collapses
Moreover, faith in law enforcement is collapsing. The percentage of Americans who say they have “confidence in the police” fell from 51% in June and July 2021 to 43% in June 2023. Hence, over half of Americans admit they have no confidence in law enforcement.
Frighteningly, only 20% of Americans had confidence in the criminal justice in July and June 2021. That percentage fell to 14% in June 2022 and 17% in June 2023. Thus, around 83% of Americans admit they have no confidence in the criminal justice system.

Law enforcement and criminal justice are not the only governments facing a crisis of confidence. The percentage of Americans who say they have faith in public schools fell from 32% in June and July 2021 to 26% in June 2023. Hence, just one fourth of Americans say they have confidence in public schools.
The medical system faces a bigger problem. Around 44% of Americans had confidence in the medical system in June and July 2021. That percentage fell to 34% in June 2023. I think this shows COVID-19 and the response to it has destroyed public trust in the medical system.
America’s Crisis of Confidence
Business faces a worse crisis of confidence. Only 18% of Americans had confidence in Big Business June and July 2021. That confidence level fell to 14% in June 2023. Hence, 86% of Americans have no confidence in Big Business.
Conversely, Americans still have a little confidence in tech. Around 29% of Americans had confidence in large technology companies in June and July 2021. That percentage fell to 26% in June 2022 and 26% in June 2023. Thus, almost two-thirds of Americans have no confidence in “large technology companies.”

Organized labor is having a similar image problem. Only 28% of Americans had confidence in unions in June and July 2021. By June 2023, only 25% of Americans admit they had confidence in organized labor. Despite well-publicized strikes and unionization drives.
Banks are also losing public trust. Gallup estimates just 33% of Americans had confidence in banks in June and July 2021. By June 2023, only 26% of Americans said they had confidence in banks.
Finally, Americans are losing faith in the most basic institution of all; organized religion. Just 37% of Americans had said they had confidence in organized religion in June and July 2021. That percentage fell to 31% in June 2022 and rose slightly to 32% in June 2023.
Is this a Crisis of Legitimacy?
We need to examine Gallup’s confidence figures because they could show a crisis of legitimacy.
A crisis of legitimacy occurs when people refuse to acknowledge the legitimacy of institutions and authorities. Crises of legitimacy often precede revolutions and other upheavals.
For example, a crisis of legitimacy for the British crown and parliament in the 13 colonies preceded the American Revolution. Southern refusal to acknowledge the legitimacy of President Abraham Lincoln (R-Illinois) and the federal government led to the Civil War.
Thus, I wonder if the hatred of politicians and the growing crisis of legitimacy will lead to violence and political upheaval in America. We’ve already seen such upheavals as the election of President Donald J. Trump (R-Florida) and the violence in 2020 and 2021.

I think violence could return in 2024 if Biden and Trump are the presidential nominees. To explain, I think the low confidence in institutions shows widespread alienation from those entities. Alienation from institutions will generate hatred that will trigger violence and civil unrest.
The Opportunity for Investors and Entrepreneurs
Interestingly, Gallup’s confidence poll shows there are tremendous opportunities for investors and entrepreneurs in America.
For example, 74% of Americans admit they have no confidence in banks. That creates many opportunities for decentralized finance (DeFi) and FinTech entrepreneurs. Similarly, 74% of Americans admit they have no confidence in big tech. Finally, 86% of Americans lack confidence in big business.
Thus, entrepreneurs who offer alternatives to those entities could find many potential American customers. Even people starting small business could find opportunities.
Confidence in small business fell from 70% in June 2021 to 68% in June 2022 to 65% in June 2023. Thus, 35% of Americans have no confidence in small business. This will provide openings for people starting new businesses.
America’s crisis of confidence could be an opportunity. However, the same crisis could show the unraveling of American society, which could lead to violence and upheaval.