In this digital era, having a detailed online marketing strategy will assist you in getting to potential customers. When you reevaluate the strategy it is important to narrow down your focus on six essential components that should assist in fueling your business growth and propel you to greater heights.

Search Engine Optimization

A lot of potential clients begin with the search engines when they need to look for something that you as a company offer. It cannot be emphasized enough that you need to maximize the number of hits to your website and as such must use search engine optimization techniques to assist in boosting your blog, website and of course social media accounts.

To get the number you require you need to ensure that every page on your website is optimized by professionals for the search engine. There are plenty of article specifically written to help people out with this. Also it is important to use words that are often used by people in your industry. So research those key words and use them on your website, blog social media etc. make sure to include long-tail keywords that are targeted to your market which is important when you intend to rank high on search engines.

Website design

Once the people you want have found you, direct them to your website. Your website is literally the face of your organization. A shady website will reflect poorly on your organization. It needs to be clean, professional and with ease of navigation. The web design could actually determine whether the people landing on your website actually buy anything.

A good web design should include a call to action on almost every page to engage the customer and to enable them to constantly think about what your company offers them. It is important to make sure the site is optimized on all browsers. This means that you should also include mobile and tablets friendly site. A lot of people tend to search for things on their mobiles for quick results. Also include relevant keywords to naturally help search rankings.


According to statistics, companies that blog get up to 55% more visitors to their sites than their counterparts that don’t. It is therefore advisable to include an integrated blog which should help you provide your customers with relevant information. It not only keeps them on your site but will encourage them to visit more and hence keep them updated on new offers and products.

With the blogs, it is important to ensure that it is easy for readers to subscribe to your blog through email and RSS. Also to ensure it is easy to share any content through social media and also easy to interact with you through the comments box on posts.

Social Media Presence

With social media marketing, I mean Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+, YouTube, Pin Interest MySpace etc. They are not only for individuals but businesses and other organizations as well. They provide an excellent platform for marketing and customer interaction among other things. They give the organization an opportunity to create a community of people whose interest is you, where they can interact.

They also assist in keeping you in people’s radar with various posts which can also be used to inform people about the company updates regularly. The best part is that they allow you to reach a large number of people at a minimal cost. If you have a lot of followers for example on twitter all you have to do is send out a tweet and create a hash tag and you have your message out.

Email Marketing

We can always be in our customers mind yet we need to stay visible to them. And so there is email marketing. For instance, a company like TD Web Services will give its employees emails like [email protected]. Every time john smith gives out his contact details or interacts with anyone via email he is advertising for TD Web Services.

It is important to create a quality design for the email templates so it integrates with the website to enforce a comprehensive marketing plan. Also providing useful and relevant information via email regularly will get those potential clients into actual customers.


For a successful online marketing strategy it is crucial to measure the trends of you blog, website, email campaign and social media ranking as well as search engine ranking. Only by doing so do you get a clear idea on what is working and what is not and how to improve it to get better results. For this you need to check each marketing components individually. There are things to measure in each.

  • SEO: ranking of the page, number of paging index, long tail keyword ranking, number of keywords that are sending traffic to your site
  • Website: number of visitors, pages viewed, time spent on site, top landing and exit pages, bounces on site, leads, conversions, top content.
  • Blog: comments, views, subscribers, shares inbound links etc.
  • Social media: number of likes, shares, followers, engagement, connections etc. and general growth
  • Email marketing: number of sent emails, bounces, spam, opens, forwards, opt out etc.

In summary when the above-listed points are taken into keen consideration not only is website growth guaranteed but definite business growth is sure to follow.


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