Art dealers and collectors are now turning their attentions to art world’s latest station, Marko Stout. The extensive social media buzz and cult like attention among young art fans, along with the artist’s rising sales and crowded gallery attendance has many in the media and art-world calling this popular New York artist the next Andy Warhol.

Marko Stout most recently made big news in the art community with his record breaking sales at New York’s Art Expo Exhibition last April. The show highlighted the artist’s colossal female figurative sculptures at the exhibition’s Grand Entrance. These large vibrant statues were quickly purchased during the show’s first night private VIP party by a Berlin night club owner. Remaining collectors and visitors at the show quick moved to the Art Nation Gallery exhibition booth to scoop up a collection of Stout’s print’s for sale by the gallery. As a result the artist’s work was completely sold before the show’s official opening the next day.


This was followed by last summer by the sale of high priced prints to the popular New York restaurant, Chelsea Bar and Grill for exhibition in their newly renovated dining room, alongside the works of other pop icons such as Lichtenstein, Basquiat, Keith Haring and of course Andy Warhol.

In a recent Huffington Post article entitled, “The Next Warhol? An Interview with Marko Stout” the artist was asked about his industrial pop style and Stout replied, “I don’t like classifications. I find them too limiting. But I kind of like industrial pop it seems to capture the essence. So I’m cool with it, maybe I’ll steal the term.”

So is Marko Stout the next Warhol? I think so, but art enthusiasts should check out the work of this prolific artist and decide for themselves. Marko Stout is the type of artist that comes along once in a generation and gives a voice to that generation.


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